PCF: Add-reference error

Ragavan Rajan
2 min readDec 9, 2022

PCF: Packaging your code components

PCF-Packaging your Code Components

Microsoft documentation is usually too good. Especially getting started with PCF to achieve your custom business need is always intriguing.

Click here to view getting started with PCF components.

So you have added your business logic added all the necessary steps as per the official docs. So what's next? Packaging your code components.

Yes, Sometimes you may feel the absurdity.

The error:

When you are trying to add reference to the PCF project. You will get Not a valid command. Try running 'pac [command] help.'

PCF — Packaging your code components error

The Solution:

Well, you might be wondering. As per the Microsoft docs you reckon your PCF command is correct. Then what's wrong?

PCF Command to add reference:

pac solution add-reference - path ..\

Step 1: Check where the .pcfproj resides. Below screenshot for reference



Ragavan Rajan

Microsoft Business Applications MVP|5X PowerPlatform Superuser |Solution Architect|Full Stack Developer|Modern web developer, etc.